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Donate Today

The LASSie Foundation does not receive support from federal, state or local governments.


It is funded mostly by the income generated by the Bon Ton Resort and Temple Tree in Langkawi, and China House in Penang. Generous donations from private individuals are always welcome and will be put to good use so as to improve the health and living conditions of our furry residents.


Below are LASSie’s bank account details to help you proceed with your donation by bank transfer.

Name of bank: CIMB Bank Berhad
Branch: Kuah, Langkawi, Malaysia
Account name: Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary
Account number: 800-653-3959


Please provide proof of transfer by email by clicking here.


Your donation will go towards: 

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Improving the health & living conditions of our furry residents.
Sustaining clinic facilities for the public.
Spaying/neutering program and education campaigns.
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